DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude 2.0 is bringing back WRiTE CLUB, whose inspiration was born from the movie FIGHT CLUB is ready to go another round with some significant improvements.
The essence embodies simplicity, good-natured competition, and a lot of fun. Over the course of twelve weeks he’ll be holding weekly bouts to determine winners that will advance to the play-offs, which will ultimately lead to a single champion. Anonymous 500 word writing samples can be submitted by anyone who wishes to take part. The submitted samples should be identified only by a pen name of your choosing (be creative) that nobody has ever seen before. The writing can be any genre, any style (even poetry) with the word count being the only restriction. It’s a way to get your writing in front of a lot of readers, without having to suffer the agony of exposure. He's starting to accept submissions now and will continue to take them during the entire twelve week preliminaries, but beginning on July 30th, the first WRiTEwill be held.
To submit, first you need to sign up to be a member of WRiTE CLUB on the Magical Linky Tool at the bottom of DL's post linked above, then send your submission to klhtravel@gmail.com. His wife will be monitoring that email address and assigning a number to each one we receive. He will never see who authored any sample, other than by the pen-name. On July 30th DL will randomly select two of these anonymous entries and post them for head to head competition. The winner will be selected by his readers via their votes left in the comments. Ties will be decided by DL (if necessary). The victor will automatically be eligible for the playoffs that will begin October 22, 2012, and the runner up will be placed back in the open pool for possible selection in another round.
Here are the tenets (with explanation) that guide the competition. For those of you who took part last year you’ll notice that a few of them have been tweaked.
1st RULE: You MUST talk about WRiTE CLUB - Spread the word far and wide so we can involve as many writers as possible. Display the WRiTE CLUB banner prominently on your own blog. Write a post about it. Tweet it. Mention it on Facebook. Encourage people to submit or vote.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about WRiTE CLUB – Once the competition begins you are not allowed to solicit votes. All of the writing entries are anonymous, and we want it to stay that way.
3rd RULE: If someone taps out, WRiTING is over - Tapping out means a WRiTER can decide at any time during the 12 week competition to withdraw their name from the pool.
4th RULE: Only two people to a WRiTE - This is a head-to head competition, no ganging up allowed.
5th RULE: One WRiTE per week - No matter how many submissions I receive, there will only be one WRiTE per week.
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes - Come on, tell me you didn't giggle at that one.
7th RULE: WRiTES will go on until Oct5th - On that date the 12 winners will be matched up against one another on daily posts until the ultimate WRiTER is chosen.
8th RULE: If this is your first week at WRiTE CLUB, you HAVE to WRiTE - Each week newsubmissions will be placed in a "newby" pool from which one half of the WRiTE will be made up. The other WRiTER will come from the existing pool. If there are no "newbies", both WRiTERS will come from the existing pool less the previous winners.
Don't forget to add your name to the Magical Link list below, officially becoming a member of the WRiTE CLUB. Not on the list…no voting or submitting allowed. The second change is that we’ve increased the word count for submissions up to 500 words. And the most exciting change of all….
The winner of the final round will be picked by a panel of publishing industry professionals! Agents, Editors, Marketers, and published authors! Check out DL's link for the list