I came across this photo today that was originally posted by Starting Over, Accepting changes - Maybe and I couldn't resist. It was screaming at me!
As Jen and Derrick walked hand in hand along the boardwalk, they came across a wedding in progress on the beach. Jen's mind started wandering. She had been with Derrick for a few months, and she already felt at home with him. She wondered if this was ever a scene that they would ever be a part of. Watching the small, intimate crowd of people celebrating the newlyweds she felt envy for the bride. When was it going to be her turn? She felt as if she had met all the other "fish in the sea". She was ready to settle down with Derrick.
Derrick wondered why Jen was so quiet all of a sudden. They had been having such a great time until coming across the wedding. He had taken her to be best restaurant on the beach where they enjoyed a seafood dinner with all the trimmings. He had the ring in his pocket, just waiting for the right moment. When they came across the wedding, he thought the setting would be perfect for a proposal, but her silence made him nervous.
The crowd cheered as the happy couple shared their first kiss and as if on cue, Derrick gave Jen the most heartfelt kiss he ever had before. She responded with passion and deep understanding. As the crowd was celebrating on the beach, Derrick reached in his pocket and pulled out the ring. Getting down on his hands and knees, he asked for her hand in marriage.
Tears streamed down Jen's face as she accepted the proposal. It was finally her turn, and she knew Derrick was worth the wait. She was a lucky girl.
In other news, I was presented with another award! I am so blessed with so many wonderful blogger buddies. I received the Lovely Blogger Award from Laura at My Baffling Brain Thanks Laura!

To accept, I was supposed to answer some questions. They are:
What is your favourite song? My favorite song really depends on my mood at that time. I love all styles of music so there is quite a variety
What is your favourite dessert? I don't like dessert very much but when I do, I love Bananas Foster or just plan vanilla ice cream
When you're upset, what do you do? After an initial venting I prefer to be alone.
What was your favourite pet? My favorite pet at the moment is my chihuahua, BoBo. I had a green-cheek conure(bird) once that I loved too named Kermit. He was a clown!
What do you prefer to wear, black or white? Even though I don't wear it as much as I used to, I prefer wearing black over white.
What is your biggest fear? I hate roller coasters and anything to do with heights
What is your attitude mostly? I'm a realist who tries to be optimistic
What is perfection to you? Perfection to me is striving to be better, even if you never get there
What is your guilty pleasure? Reality TV!
Since I have been overwhelmed with blogger love and awards lately, I feel like I am overwhelming other bloggers with awards. I think you all are Lovely Bloggers and anyone would be worthy of this award so I will leave that up to you.