
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award!

I won!!! Thank you so much to Betty at Poetry - Etchings From My Spirit  for awarding me with the Kreativ Blogger award. I "met" Betty during the recent Blogging from A-Z Challenge. She has a brilliant mind and a creative sense of poety. Check it out!

According to the Kreativ blogger rules, accepting the award includes the following:
1. Thanking the blogger who nominated me to receive the award and providing a link back to their blog

2. Sharing 10 things about yourself that bloggers might find interesting!

3. Nominate 6 other bloggers to receive the award and inform them

OK, so here goes my 10 things about myself...
1.  At 5'2", I am not very athletic but I love watching the basketball playoffs this time of year.  The only problem is that the Orlando Magic have already been eliminated...maybe next year :(
I did manage to go to my first Magic game recently though and it was a blast!
2.  I am such a reality show junkie.  It's a little embarrasing.  Now that American Idol, Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice is almost over, I am looking forward to So You Think You Can Dance, America's Got Talent, and Duets. 
3.  I am missing my mom lately between Mother's Day and her upcoming birthday.  She has been gone for 10 1/2 years but not forgotten.
4.  One of my favorite things to do to relieve stress is to clean an empty house.  I love watching the house transform!
5.  I'm a night person and would prefer to stay up till 2-3am but I'm not able to due to my job requirements.  It took me a while to conform to a regular work day
6.  I like playing cards and board games although I don't play them very often.  I think the world would be a better place if more families played board games together.  They bring people together.
7.  I hate shopping, especially for clothes.  I know, I'm weird, but it's true.  I have a horrible sense of style and I can never seem to be able to find clothes that fit well and look good.  It is very frustrating
8.  I feel naked without my phone.  Whether I am checking email, Facebook, Goodreads, or playing Words with Friends my phone gives me an unrealistic sense of serenity and security
9.  I've had a variety of pets in my life including several birds ranging from parakeets to a macaw, scorpions, lizards, frogs, fish, racoons, a gerbil, a hamster, a cat and several dogs.
10.  I am so thankful for all my blogger buddies, both new and former followers, and look forward to learning even more about each one of you

And the nominees are (drum roll please)...

1.  Martha at Seaside Simplicity
2.  Ramblings by Rebecka
3.   Mooderino
4.  Krystal Maestas
5.  Sheila Scribbles
6.  Hilary at Positive Letters...Inspirational Stories...


  1. Thank you for the nomination, what a nice surprise to wake up to!

  2. Congrats on the award. It was nice to learn more about you! I'm just a tiny bit taller than you and love basketball as well. I'm a Celtics fan. They're still in it right now.

  3. Congratulations on the award, and lovely to learn more about you.

  4. Congratulations! And I like playing board games. We play trivia all the time.

    1. I like trivia also but I am better at random things than facts that I should know. I didn't pay enough attention in school! :0

  5. Enjoyed your posting. Congrats on the Award

  6. Thank you for the nomination. It was very uplifting and nice to learn something about you. Congrats on receiving the award yourself.

  7. Congrats on the award and thanks for the nomination!

  8. Congratulations again to all of you fellow nominees

  9. Congrats on the award and quite the list of pets indeed. But reality tv, oh the shame of watching

  10. Congratulations!
    Whenever you're stressed out, my house is here, waiting for you, LOL!!
    Have a nice week!

  11. Congratulations on the award! I wish there were more family board games too. I have a whole top of a closet filled with board games, but none are appropriate for small children.

  12. Congrats on the award! And thank you for the follow. I am following back.
    I hate clothes shopping too. I never can find anything that fits right OR fits and looks good on me.

  13. Wow, thanks so much for the award Heather!! I am honored! It will be the weekend before I can post it but looking forward to it. After reading the things you wrote about you I can tell you we are really a lot alike! I will try to hit on some when I do my post :)

  14. Shoot I was stopping thru to let you know I was giving you this little award, someone beat me to it. But that's ok it just means you are doubly blessed.

  15. Congrats!

    I don't like shopping for clothes either. Yuck.

  16. Congrats on your award! I like your list, it sounds very familiar to me. Love board games with family just for the laughs! Hate clothes shopping. More of a night person and I would be lost without my phone!

  17. Please stop by and collect the Stylish Blogger Award

  18. Congrats on the award! It's fun to be recognized, isn't it? I hate shopping too...nothing fits well and it's all overpriced! I just found you by way of another blog and saw that you are in too! I'm connecting w/ all the Floridians I find, so I'm now following. :-) Nice to "meet" you!
